Irving High School 1978
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block Connie Campbell

Connie Campbell

Connie (Campbell) Johnson

I am manager of a dog grooming shop and have a handpainted wallpaper line on the side. I recently married and my husband and I share the love of production for the wallpaper. We live in the country with 1 1/2 acres of land, 6 dogs, and grow our own groceries. We have a website for the handpainted wallpaper: I think to myself every morning when I get up, if my friends could see me now.

Fun Facts:

  • Favorite 70s Car: 1972 Grand Torino with racing stripes on the side

  • Front Parking Lot

    Connie Campbell-Johnson

    Irving High School, Class of 1978, Irving Texas.

  • My Login

    High School Senior Picture Connie Campbell

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